3 Ways Door and Window Locks Affect Home Insurance

The locks that secure your home don't just protect your property from break-ins. They also sometimes affect your home insurance policy and any claims you might make in the future.

So, before you take out buildings and contents coverage, you should look at your locks from an insurer's perspective. What should you think about?

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Why Change Your Locks After a Messy Break-Up?

While some relationships end amicably, some get messy. This can be a particularly tricky time if you've been living together in a property you own, and you've had to ask your partner to leave. A potentially violent partner may make you worry about your own safety at home. Or, if they can't accept that your relationship has ended, they may come around a lot and try to get in to talk to you.

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8 Tips for Securing Your Home While You’re Away

Travelling away from home can be a lot of fun, but a nagging concern about the security of your home can spoil the experience. If you have ever had the experience of your home being burgled, it can be particularly difficult to overcome the fear of it happening again so you can travel freely. The following tips can help you secure your home so you can enjoy your trip without worry.

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4 Steps You Need to Take to Secure Your New Home

While moving to a new home is an exciting event in your life, it also comes with a slew of items that you need to add to your to-do list. With so many things on your list, you may forget to properly secure your new home. Here are a few things you should do to ensure your new home is safe from intruders. 

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5 Steps to Take After a Break-In

Having your home broken into is probably one of the most stressful life experiences you can have. As well as dealing with the feeling of violation that comes from having a stranger enter your home without permission, you also have to deal with the hassle of securing your home and reporting the crime.

Here are five steps you can follow to be sure you have done everything you need to after someone breaks into your home.

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4 Important Reasons to Change the Locks on Your New Home

Have you recently moved into a new home? If so, one of the first things you should do is change the locks on your new home's doors.

Surprisingly, many new, Australian homeowners don't bother to change the locks on their new properties. Since you can't possibly know everything about a house's history, keeping the same locks could be a big mistake.If you have just purchased a new home, you should consider changing its locks for the following reasons.

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3 Ways to Deter Criminals From Targeting Your Home

Prevent Home Burglary | Adelaide Home Security Locksmiths

Home burglaries are all too common in Australia, with about a quarter of a million occurring each year around the country. Defend your home with these tips.

Home security is a high priority for most Australian home owners. It's important to feel that you and your family are safe and secure while you're at home and that your home and belongings are well-protected while you're out.

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